Peculiarities of FMSG goods exports to EU countries, Georgia, Kazakhstan, UAE
Almost 2 years ago, on June 27th, 2014 was signed the economic part of the association agreement between Ukraine and the European Union was signed. It provided for the establishment of full-fledged free trade zone between Ukraine and the EU, which meant increasing flows of goods to Europe, after passing certification.
The problems of Ukrainian goods export to foreign markets will be analysed at the International Economic Summit 2016 "State and business: partnership in the new economic reality" (19-20 October, 2016, Odessa, Marine terminal) (section "Development of export-import relations between Ukraine and EU and other regions, regulatory policy. Legal aspects, legislative initiatives, trade preferences for Ukrainian producers, the issues of taxation in the EU and other countries").
Co-organizer of the section - Bureau of Business Engineering.
The competitiveness of Ukrainian producers on foreign markets will be analyzed by speakers Margarita Chernenko — managing partner "Bureau of Business Engineering" and Sergey Moyseyenko — founder and managing partner of "Advisor".
Among the issues covered:
- analysis of problems faced by Ukrainian companies in entering export markets (selection of standards of certification (ISO 22000 or GFSI) as a key aspect of working with trading networks, bringing quality and safety of goods in accordance with directives and regulations of the European Union. The algorithm of actions on implementation:
- road map of market entrance, valuation and realization of market potential: determination of export direction. The most attractive export markets for Ukrainian products. How to spot them, where to start?
- strategy of business model development for specific regions (most effective forms of Ukrainian brands promoting on external markets). The quality and price characteristics of goods in different countries. Creation and promotion of products which can meet consumer expectations in the EU and the Persian Gulf (UAE, Qatar, Iran), first contact with a potential client, negotiations, presentation of materials, product samples. How to represent the company in the market of the EU and the UAE.

Margarita Chernenko, CMC (Certified management consultant), Executive Assessor (Certified Assessor for assessment of the competence of consultants and managers), the facilitator, ToR facilitator.
Managing partner of "Bureau of Business Engineering", "Innovation of business models", Vice-President on certification of the Ukrainian Association of Management Consultants CMC-Ukraine.
Profile of consultancy: innovation of business models, corporate strategy, organizational development, financial and administrative systems, business management, production management, operations management, supply chain management.
Columnist Of Forbes of Ukraine.
She has two international award "For outstanding achievements in consulting", the 3rd place in the category "Consulting project of the year" in 2014; the 2nd place in the category "Consulting project of the year" in 2015.

Moiseenko Sergey, managing partner of "Advısor". Management consultant, Auditor DQS-Group (Germany). A member of All-Ukrainian Association of consultants of Ukraine, 12 years experience in the field of trade and production of FOOD AND NON FOOD products.
Cobsulting profile: implementation of ISO 9001, 22000, FSSC 22000 (over 40 companies), audit of suppliers in Ukraine, Georgia, Germany, Russia (700 supplier audits Private Label for retail chains), the entrance to the trade network for manufacturers, assistance for exporting to the EU, Persian Gulf, Africa, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, China.
About companies
The group of companies "Advisor", "Bureau of Business Engineering" Profile: innovation of business models, corporate strategy, organizational development, financial and administrative systems, business management, production management, operations management, supply chain management.
Expertise of working with retail chains, supplier audits: audits conducted 700 suppliers of Private Label for retail chains "Billa", "Silpo", "Auchan", "Metro", "Caravan", "Mc.Donald's". Startup and quality control 800 SKUs of Private Label for the network "Caravan". More than 40 enterprises implemented standards ISO 9001, FSSC 22000 (HACCP)/
They opened offices for export activities and established contacts with leading retail chains : China, Dubai, Arab Emirates, Poland, Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan), the Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan).
They propose export tours for negotiations with potential distributors and representatives of retail chains.
The International economic summit will be held under support of: Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine, Ministry of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine, Odessa regional state administration, Odessa city council, China trade Association, Ukrainian grain association, the Association "Private investors of Ukraine", European business association, the Institute for economic research and political consultations, Institute for Euro-Atlantic cooperation, the Club of exporters of Ukraine.
Other issues to be eliminated within the framework of the Summit:
- Development of public-private partnerships, issues of deregulation and business climate improving, regulation of market;
- Prospects of agro-industrial complex development in the context of implementation of the international investment project "Eurasian economic zone of the Great Silk Road"
BtoB meetings (foreign and Ukrainian exporters-importers, representatives of the chamber of commerce, diplomatic missions)
Invited participants:
Heads of companies, financial managers, representatives of export-import departments from such branches of business as:
- grain, oil, rapeseed exporters;
- food and drinks exporters;
- mineral fertilizers and chemical production exporters and manufacturers;
- exporters and manufacturers of toy and educational games for children;
- exporters and manufacturers of building materials;
- manufacturers and exporters of alcoholic beverages;
- manufacturers and exporters of building materials;
- manufacturers and exporters of products from recycled materials;
- manufacturers and exporters of textile;
- importers and companies interested in foreign partners.
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